RO Complexul de VILE BRAN este locul unde puteti experimenta ceva cu adevarat
Complexul este situat la 800 de metri de Castelul Bran si se intinde pe o suprafata de aprox 60.000 mp. Este format din 12 vile cu capacitate intre 5 si 24 camere, 2 restaurante, 1 terasa bar, baza de agrement, sala de teatru, parc istoric, magazin de suveniruri si Birou de informare turistica baza de agrement, parc istoric.
EN VILA BRAN Complex is the right place to experience a unique holiday. The complex is located 800 meters from Bran Castle and it is spread on a wide area of approximately 60,000 square meters.
It consists of 12 villas with a capacity between 5 and 24 rooms, 2 restaurants, 1 terrace bar, leisure center, theater hall, historical park, souvenir shop, tourist information office.

RO Servicii incluse: cazare.
Baza de agrement este gratuita si poate fi folosita in limita disponibilitatii, a functionalitatii si in functie de conditiile meteo, in masura in care ne este permis de catre autoritati in contextul pandemic.
Pentru a fi recunoscuti ca turisti cazati in cadrul Club Vila Bran si a putea astfel beneficia de baza de agrement, la check-in, veti primi o bratara pe care este obligatoriu sa o purtati la mana. Accesul la baza de agrement si activitatile organizate, este diferentiat in functie de pachetul ales (doar cazare sau cazare cu toate mesele); turistii care opteaza doar pentru servicii de cazare nu vor beneficia de jocuri, concursuri, ateliere de creatie, drumetii, etc.
In dotarea Club Vila Bran se gasesc numeroase spatii si instalatii de agrement, terenuri de sport, piscine, locuri de joaca, animale domestice sau salbatice. Utilizarea acestora pentru agrement, joaca sau sport se face pe propria raspundere sau pe raspunderea parintilor insotitori. Club Vila Bran si personalul acestuia nu se fac raspunzatori pentru eventualele accidentari sau probleme ce pot aparea. Comportamentul decent este obligatoriu. Orice comportament deranjant, jignitor, violent sau amenintator al Beneficiarului poate duce la intreruperea sejurului si decazarea Beneficiarului si a insotitorilor acestuia. Club Vila Bran isi rezerva dreptul de a-si selecta clientii.
Tarifele doar pentru cazare, nu includ facilitatile bazei de agrement si momentele de divertisment. Acestea sunt oferite gratuit in masura posibilitatii si disponibilitatii si cu respectarea conditiilor si regulilor Club Vila Bran, in masura in care reglementarile date de autoritati, ne permit desfasurarea lor.
Club Vila Bran nu se face raspunzator de eventualele efecte ale unor calamitati naturale, inzapeziri sau diverse lucrari care ar putea cauza blocarea traficului rutier, alimentarea cu apa, gaz sau energie electrica si nici de modificari de ultim moment aduse programului de activitati datorita conditiilor meteo sau regulilor/restrictiilor impuse de catre autoritati.

/ EN Services included: accommodation.
The recreational base is free and can be used within the limits of availability, functionality and weather conditions, to the extent permitted by the authorities in the context of the pandemic.
In order to be recognized as tourists staying in Club Vila Bran and thus be able to benefit from the leisure base, at check-in, you will receive a bracelet that you must wear on your hand. The access to the leisure base and the organized activities is differentiated according to the chosen package (only accommodation or accommodation with all meals); tourists who opt only for accommodation services will not benefit from games, contests, creative workshops, hiking, etc.
In the Club Vila Bran endowment there are numerous spaces and leisure facilities, sports fields, swimming pools, playgrounds, domestic or wild animals. Their use for leisure, play or sports is done on their own responsibility or on the responsibility of the accompanying parents. Club Vila Bran and its staff are not responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur. Decent behavior is mandatory. Any disturbing, offensive, violent or threatening behavior of the Beneficiary may lead to the interruption of the stay and the cancellation of the Beneficiary and his companions. Club Vila Bran reserves the right to select its clients.
The rates only for accommodation do not include the facilities of the leisure base and the moments of entertainment. They are offered free of charge as far as possible and availability and in compliance with the conditions and rules of Club Vila Bran, insofar as the regulations given by the authorities allow us to carry them out.
Club Vila Bran is not responsible for the possible effects of natural disasters, snowfalls or various works that could cause roadblocks, water supply, gas or electricity or last minute changes to the program of activities due to weather conditions or rules / restrictions imposed by the authorities.

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Sejururi din DE ORIUNDE catre Rusalii - Club Vila Bran, Bran, Romania

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