Pozitionat pe nisa serviciilor antistres, cu mesajul ,,No stress.Balance your life'', BRADET ENSANA HEALTH SPA RESORT HOTEL este printre putinele hoteluri din tara care ofera pachete turistice antistres (terapia integrata body&mind) pentru reechilibrare fizica si psihica. In lunile de vara, efectul de relaxare poate fi completat de baile in Lacul Ursu, cu apa sarata, singurul lac heliotermic din Europa./

EN BRADET ENSANA HEALTH SPA RESORT HOTEL offers a wide range of hotel services and therapeutic services, as well as many ways of spending free time. Positioned on the niche of anti-stress services, with the message "No stress. Balance your life", BRADET ENSANA HEALTH SPA RESORT HOTEL is among the few hotels in the country that offer anti-stress packages (integrated body & mind therapy) for physical and mental rebalancing. In the summer months, the relaxing effect can be enhanced by bathing in the salted water of Bear Lake, the only heliothermal lake in Europe.

Include: mic dejun si cina bufet suedez, snack de Craciun in fiecare dupa amiaza in zilele de 24-25-26.12: prajituri, fursecuri, ceai, vin fiert, punch. In zilele de 25 si 26.12 programe distractive si ateliere de creatie pentru copii, cadou surpriza in camera, acces nelimitat la centrul SPA, halate de baie.

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Sejururi din DE ORIUNDE catre Craciun - Bradet Ensana, Sovata, Romania

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